It was a tough schedule more than we expected, however, the tour guide (Catherine) was great. Her guide was very clear and thoughtful. We have made a great experience. If any chance, we would like to make another appointment to the different destination.® books Antelope Canyon Tours of Upper Antelope Canyons and Lower Antelope Canyons in Page, Arizona and tours from Las Vegas, Flagstaff, Sedona. The only site provides real time inventory and availability check for Antelope Canyons.
Awesome service. My friend and his wife those who cam from Dubai, was really impressed with the trip.
Super patient and finally helped us complete the reservation.
The itinerary is novel and the tour guide is patient.
小江导游工作十分认真负责,用中英文生动地为我们介绍景点。对于我对景点的疑问都耐心解答,每次都细心地跟我们核对及协调上下车的时间和地点,还热心的帮我们拍照。 景点风光美不胜收。我们夜观大瀑布,感受到了瀑布在灯光和烟花照射下五彩缤纷炫感的魅力。第二天上午“风之洞”和“雾中少女观瀑船”两个项目,近距离感受瀑布的气势磅礴和雷霆万钧,河面映射出美丽的彩虹和彩虹桥相呼应,成群的海鸥时而在河边驻足、时而展翅翱翔、构成一幅美丽的画卷。
客服非常友好 而且回复快
This is very well planned trip. Our tour guide Helena was very sweet and friendly.
The experience was amazing they were so helpful and nice through the whole process
尼亚加拉瀑布两日游,在车上花的时间有亿点多,但是大瀑布值得!而且导游Maddy Zhou小姐姐人很好,很认真很负责,非常辛苦!总体上挺满意的:)
It was a tough schedule more than we expected, however, the tour guide (Catherine) was great. Her guide was very clear and thoughtful. We have made a great experience. If any chance, we would like to make another appointment to the different destination.
导游郑小姐,知识渊博,服务贴心,热情周到的服务,让我们度过了愉快的两天旅程, 我还会继续参加你们公司推荐的旅程
I love it. Effecient
大瀑布游的导游Allen非常棒!!!专业、热情、幽默、负责…… 希望每次游玩都能有像Allen这样的优秀导游!!!❤️